Friday, December 20, 2019

Chapter 8 Mind and Man Chapter 9 The Path of Perfection December 8, 2019

We started the class with "Guru Stotram" & recapped the previous chapter .

The three corner stones of a Sadhaka's life are   "Brahmacharya", "Ahimsa"  & "Sathyam" 

1. Brahmacharya is often misunderstood as "celibacy" but its it means self control and not to over indulge.
2. Ahimsa does not only mean physical violence but also includes NOT thinking or wishing harm to others (jealousy or greed included). Intent of Ahimsa must also be noted (eg. Doctor performing surgery has a good intent and is not considered Ahimsa).
3. Sathyam means having firm conviction and having thoughts, actions and words aligned.

Brahmacharya is at the level of Body, Ahimsa  is at the level of Mind and Sathyam is at the level of intellect.
It is better not to utter words if they do not serve any good to anyone even if it is true.

One sees the world the way their mind works. The world is a reflection of you. Eg. Dronacharya asking Yudhistira and Duryodhana to go around the world and giving their feedback matching their minds.

It  helps us to grow as a 'Sadhakas' to introspect and log our behavior at the end of each day to see  how we responded the cornerstones "Brahmacharya", "Ahimsa"  & "Sathyam" and make improvements.

Chapter 8: Mind and Man

Man contacts the world through the media of four constituent entities "Body, Mind, Intellect and Consciousness".
Body and consciousness are the same for everyone but Mind and Intellect differ person to person. Human relationships and interaction happen at Mind and Intellect level. Religion and scriptures guides the mind and intellect to be a good 'Sadhaka' and be on the right path.

Man alone has the capacity to discriminate and analyze feelings and apply judgement intellectually instead of momentary impulses.

Mind and intellect decisions oppose each other specially when there are strong emotions involved and hence one should use their "Viveka" (intelligence) to discriminate impulsive reaction and instead make decisions based on intellect after pausing and calming down. Decisions taken without intellectual input mostly causes confusion, chaos and regrets.

Most people choose to make decisions with mind because it does not need much effort compared to using intellect and responding after careful thought.

The secret of success for all of us as "Sadhakas" lies in applying our intellect and respond without being misled by emotions in everyday life or in our work environment filled with insecurity, petty & unhealthy competition.

Chapter 9: The path of Perfection

The quality of mind and intellect component depend upon our inherent and innate tendencies called "Vasanas". Philosophy and religion mold and shape man's vasanas and shapes his personality.

A healthy and powerful mind and intellect can give the power of discrimination to be clear, subtle and brilliant even when the outside environment is disturbing like a towering lighthouse undisturbed by surging waves. A weak mind and intellect can create actions that are lifeless and unproductive with calamitous waves of challenges like a 'neglected boat' in the ocean of life.

Blog post contributed by BV.